Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Puli Brewery (埔里酒廠) at Puli - Taiwan

After we left the Xin Tian Yuan Restaurant, there were still enough time for us to visit the Puli Brewery (N23.96854 E120.96031) before Taipei. And visit the Brewery basically just another photography session for us...

"Puli Brewery Factory is devoted to establishing the landmark feature of Puli as the Hometown of Shaoxing (Shaohsing) Wine. Aside from actively promoting the culture of Shaoxing (Shaohsing) Wine, there are also putting more efforts in preserving the history of the winery, it is the first Wine Culture Museum in Taiwan." Source from here.

The main entrance to the Puli Brewery

The big signage once we stepped in...

And follow by the wine display...

The treasure of the Brewery - Not for sale

And there were also a documentary about the 921 Earthquake.

The broken urns during the Earthquake had collected here...

The storage area...

Then we walked into Wine Cellar...

Finally found my Favorite...Taiwan Beer.

We hanged around for about 40 minutes and continue our journey to Taipei...

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

Location map of Puli Brewery at Puli - Taiwan

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