Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Ita Thao Village (伊達邵) of Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan

After the Syuanguang Pier, we jumped into the ferry and proceed to our next destination - Ita Thao Village (N23.84904 E120.93024). While on the ferry, we passed by the Lowest Lighthouse or perhaps Highest Lighthouse in the World. It's actually just double storey height, buy it's located at the attitude of  750 meter from sea level of Sun Moon Lake.

The Lighthouse of Sun Moon Lake

Less than 10 minutes, we reached the Ita Thao Village Pier...

The Ita Thao Village Pier

I felt excited when we visited this village, and I can't really tell why...

Nice hotel spotted before we enter the village...

Entrance to Ita Thao Village

"Ita Thao is called Barawbaw in Thao language. The Han people call it North Cave. It was named Te Hua village after the restoration of Taiwan, and is under the administration of Yuchi.

Barawbaw is the last residence of the Thao people at Sun Moon Lake. On account of the continuous stream of tourists, many Han people moved here to go into trade. Therefore, Ita Thao becomes the most populous area around the Sun Moon Lake. There are stores, restaurants, and hotels in the village. Also the Thao people establishes the "Thao Cultural Village" for tourists to appreciate the traditional culture, songs, and dancing of the Thao tribe." For more information, please click here.

We chose the right route of the village to started our tour...many tourists around the village that day. The weather was Hot, so we drop by one of the stall which selling Taiwan Traditional ice tea...

The Ice Tea stall...

Friendly lady who prepared the ice tea for us...

Ice Tea of Ita Thao Village..Really refreshing!

Let me share some photos of the Ita Thao Village...

Ice Cream?!

Looks like a Museum...but it was closed that day...

Another Museum along the way...

Sun and Moon

Ita Thao young ladies spotted...

Police Station at Ita Thao Village.

Electric motorcycle for rent...

Nice and clean phonebooth, can even hide inside when heavy rain...:)

This maybe the main entrance to their residential area, we didn't step in...

We walked along the coastal area, many nice scenery along the way...the pedestrian will lead us all the way to the Cable Car Station. Too bad it was on maintenance that day! What a Second MISS!

Scenery along the coastal pedestrian...

The Cable Car Station of Ita Thao Village

Personally I like the wooden signage of the shops and even their houses...

The wooden signage of the shop, can you see the Owl? :)

After hanged around the street for an hour, we stepped into the Millet Museum (will post in next blog) & the Shopping Street of Ita Thao Village, intended to buy some souvenirs...

Signage of the Shopping Street, do you notice anything strange within the two statue?! Haha!

The Shopping Street of Ita Thao Village

Shops at both side along the street...mostly selling souvenirs and handicraft of Ita Thao.

One of the shop selling the Glass Fruits, I didn't buy it because afraid it might break in the luggage...but it was really nice especially the Glass pigs below...

I was attracted by the Owl Factory which selling all kinds of Handicraft about Owl. We bought some of it and like it very much! :)

The Owl Factory

Ita Thao's Recipes...

We ran up and down at the shopping street and bargain like a 'aunties at the market' for every souvenirs shop! Haha!

The boatman explained about the village and the peoples during our way back to Shuishe Pier...

"The Ita Thao peoples are the 'expensive' peoples in Taiwan. There are Only left 282 (pure blood) Ita Thao peoples in Taiwan, and they are welcome any man who like to become the Ita Thao husband. The conditions were very attractive! According to the boatman, once you fill up the form, your bank account will automatically receive a welcome fund that's about TWD60,000.00 from Taiwan Government. And men are no need to work in the village, all the expenses of every family will be subsidize monthly by Taiwan Government included their children school fees all the way to University. (During this time, many guys on the boat put up their hands! Haha!)"

"The Only duty on men in the village is to 'Drink!' They will have some ceremonies or events every Saturday, and all the men job is to get drunk during that day! Sound Interesting?!
And the boatman continue...BUT, most of the men here cannot live more than 50 years old because of their Kidney failure due to overloaded alcohol! OMG!! Every men kept their hands down Immediately! Haha!"

That was a Nice Joke!

I will be back to this Beautiful Village...

On our way back to Shuishe Pier...

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

Location map of Ita Thao Village, Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan

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