Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Shuishe Pier at Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan (水社碼頭, 日月潭)

If you travel with tourist package, I believe the Sun Moon Lake Ferry ticket is included. If not, you can refer the list below...

The ticket price.

The standard ticket is TWD300.00 which is about MYR31.50. And with no time limit, the boats will drop and pickup passengers every 30 minutes from each jetty. There are many company operating the Ferry business here, so make sure you aboard the right ferry. :)

All of us got a Red stamp in our hand before we get into the ferry. That was the pass. :)

Red stamp in our hand. (That was not my hand!)

We leaded to the correct jetty by the boat man, and this was it! The boat was waiting...

It had 2 sessions in the ferry which are indoor and outdoor area...we chose the outdoor area for better view.

The indoor sitting area

The outdoor area

Too bad we were not allow to access to the roof...
I captured the beautiful scene of Shuishe town before the boat leave...

Shuishe town of Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan

After a while, the 6 stars (they claimed) hotels appeared in front of us...and it was not One but Two...does it looks like one of the Famous building in the familiar place?! According to the boatman, the minimum room rate per night is TWD15,000.00.

The ferry passed by A Small island in the lake called - Lalu Island. It's really small, and tourists are Not allow to step in, do you notice the Golden Owl? That was the Lucky Bird for Ita Thao peoples...

Lalu Island of Sun Moon Lake

Notice the Golden Owl? :)

It was Only about 15 minutes, we dropped by the 1st tourist attraction called - Syuan Guang Temple. And everyone can take their sweet time to visit it, just remember the pier number to get back to the ferry which stop by every 30 minutes...

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

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