Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Syuanguang Temple (玄光寺) at Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan

Syuanguang Temple (N23.85179 E120.91359) was the First destination of the Sun Moon Lake cruise. It's located at about 800 meter above sea level.

Syuanguang Temple Pier

The entrance to Syuanguang Temple.

Once we stepped into the entrance, there were many peoples queuing for the Famous 'Herbal Egg' (茶叶蛋)! I told myself, I'll try it later when we back to the Pier....
Clear signage in front of us, and you will Never lost within the area...

"The Syuanguang Temple Pier is the starting point for the 850 meter Cinglong Mountain Hiking Trail. Follow the steps upward, you will reach the Syuanguang Temple; continue onward, and you will get to Syuanzang Temple. This trail is also called "Pilgrim's Trail" because of the large numbers of religious devotees who take boats to the pier to worship at the two temples."

Got to climb before the temple...

The Syuanguang Temple (玄光寺)

I didn't step into the temple, because it was small and many devotees around...there were many peoples queue up in front of the temple too, it was because of everyone want to take photo with the Landmark - Sun Moon Lake Stone Craft.

Outside of the temple

The Stone where every tourist like to take photo with it!

I found this part was somehow interesting!

Beside the temple, the place also is a Nice spot to view the Sun Moon Lake...sharing some photos around the area...

The Scenery view of Sun Moon lake, Lalu island in the middle of the lake...

After the temple, we saw the trail behind...it is the Cinlong Mountain Trail. We explored the trail and try to see any surprises...

Flowers before the trail...

The well maintained ascending trail...to Cinlong Mountain

Along the way, this were what we saw...

We stopped halfway and didn't continue the trail because of the Hot weather, and we decided to save our time to Ita-Thao Village in our next destination.

If you visit Sun Moon Lake in the tight schedule, you can actually skip this temple. For us, it was nothing much over here...

While we running down to the jetty to catch the ferry and...I forgot to buy the Famous Herbal Egg! Damn! What a miss!

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

Location map of Syuanguang Temple, Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Shuishe Pier at Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan (水社碼頭, 日月潭)

If you travel with tourist package, I believe the Sun Moon Lake Ferry ticket is included. If not, you can refer the list below...

The ticket price.

The standard ticket is TWD300.00 which is about MYR31.50. And with no time limit, the boats will drop and pickup passengers every 30 minutes from each jetty. There are many company operating the Ferry business here, so make sure you aboard the right ferry. :)

All of us got a Red stamp in our hand before we get into the ferry. That was the pass. :)

Red stamp in our hand. (That was not my hand!)

We leaded to the correct jetty by the boat man, and this was it! The boat was waiting...

It had 2 sessions in the ferry which are indoor and outdoor area...we chose the outdoor area for better view.

The indoor sitting area

The outdoor area

Too bad we were not allow to access to the roof...
I captured the beautiful scene of Shuishe town before the boat leave...

Shuishe town of Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan

After a while, the 6 stars (they claimed) hotels appeared in front of us...and it was not One but Two...does it looks like one of the Famous building in the familiar place?! According to the boatman, the minimum room rate per night is TWD15,000.00.

The ferry passed by A Small island in the lake called - Lalu Island. It's really small, and tourists are Not allow to step in, do you notice the Golden Owl? That was the Lucky Bird for Ita Thao peoples...

Lalu Island of Sun Moon Lake

Notice the Golden Owl? :)

It was Only about 15 minutes, we dropped by the 1st tourist attraction called - Syuan Guang Temple. And everyone can take their sweet time to visit it, just remember the pier number to get back to the ferry which stop by every 30 minutes...

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Sun Moon Lake Of Taiwan (日月潭)

It was a sunny morning at Sun Moon Lake, after our breakfast at Miracolo Hotel, all out us 'Ran' out the hotel to take the beautiful photo of The Sun Moon Lake of Taiwan!
The sky was So Blue and the Sun was shine on us! What a Nice weather!

You can compare my the other photo in the Miracolo Hotel and the photo below...you can visualize the Big different when we arrived the night before...

Most of the signage in Sun Moon Lake are using Solar panel for the supply, and I noticed there were many Surveillance Cameras cover the Sun Moon Lake area.

The Solar Panel and the Surveillance Cameras in front of Miracolo Hotel

The lamp pole in Sun Moon Lake all decorated with the Sun & Moon symbols

What a Scenic View of Sun Moon Lake! Look at the Blue Sky!

The lake was So calm and the sky was Blue...PARADISE! At least to me...

We found the pathway to the lake site, the area was very well maintained. It was a nice place to have a morning walk along the lake...

The pathway along the lake...

We were very busy taking photos of the Beautiful scenery.

Syuan Kuang Temple and the Pagoda on the left.

Syuan Kuang Temple at the other side of the lake which we going to visit shortly...

Some kind of beacon during the night, I'm not sure what was that for?!

Special insect spotted along the pathway...

After about 45 minutes, we said goodbye (sadly) to Miracolo Hotel and we proceed to our next destination - Shuishe Pier for our Lake Cruise.

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

The night at Shuishe Town (水社), Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) - Taiwan

After our 'overloaded' dinner at Ah Yong Restaurant, we strolled at the Shuishe Pier which is just nearby...

Ah Yong Restaurant

The small street at Shuishe town

If you haven't buy the Lake Cruise ticket, you can get it from her...

The time, it was about to dark...we quickly took out our camera and continued to snap. Let me share some photos of the Shuishe Pier and the beautiful lighting along it...

Shuishe Pier (Jetty)

The hotel just beside the entrance to the jetty...

The Shuishe Jetty

According to our driver, the Only tree which was Stand Still during the 921 Earthquake! The rest of the building were collapsed!

The tree which stand still during the 921 Earthquake

The beautiful lighting along the pathway...you can see the colour keep on changing during the night...

Before the night fall...

All lighted up...

Different colour on different moment...

Beautiful lighting of the Shuishe Jetty

The area was so peaceful during the night, and we were enjoyed taking photos along the pathway...

The railing all lighted up...

After about 30 minutes, we walked down the jetty...waiting to take the photo of the Musical Fountain.

It was so beautiful when I turn back and looked the lighting of the roll of hotel at Shuishe Jetty...

I wish I can own one of these...

Suddenly, the music started and surround the whole jetty, followed by the colourful water 'dancing' in front of us!

The Musical Fountain of Shuishe Jetty

We spend about 30 minutes just to snapped on the colourful fountain until the whole area quite down again...

I packed a few cans of Taiwan Beer and we went back to the hotel...end of our second day at Taiwan.

The main street of Shuishe town, Sun Moon Lake

Related post :-
*  My Taiwan Trip on May, 2011

The location map of Shuishe town, Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan