"The bat cave was existed about 440-480 million years ago, and it's lurks quietly in a mangrove swamp in a tributary of Kilim River. The chamber is in the form of a long tunnel. Clinging precariously on the ceiling of hundreds of bats, The stalactites and stalagmites within this cave are of the gigantic proportions. Stalactites on the eastern cave entrance are rather unique as they did not grow vertically downward. The growth of these oblique stalactites is believed to be associated with the deposition of travertine deposits by photosynthetic algae that required brighter sunlight to grow. There are ancient oyster shells attached on certain wall of the cave, a few meters above the sea level, indicating a higher ancient sea level 5000 years ago..."
The Jetty of the Bat Cave
Once we arrived at the jetty, we took the path on our left...which was able to walk though the ancient nature beauty of the forest.
The pathway the lead us to the forest
Along the way, I saw a beautiful RED Spider. Too bad the photo came out blur that I won't be able to show here. :(
There is a T-junction after 50 meters from the jetty, we gotta turn to the right to the Bat Cave. The surrounding fresh air really make us like this place very much!
I like the Green very much!
After another 30 meters, we reached the entrance of the Million Years Bat Cave.
The entrance of the Bat Cave.
I like to see the stone formation along the cave...below was one of nice stone I saw...
It was Total dark in the Cave, our boatman loan us a Torch. My daughter hold my pans tightly!
The pathway in the cave.
We continue to search for the Bats but it was empty all the way...We started to felt some cold wind and creepy! Because we were the only group in the Cave! Oh! My goodness!!
But I insist to continue our walk, so we stepped into the heart of the cave where you can't see any sunlight at all! Then suddenly, my wife said : "LOOK!" Her torch shoot on the wall on top of us and we saw hundreds and hundreds of bats hanging! WOW!
The Bat Cave of Kilim River
And my wife ask me to turn around, that were many behind me! Oh! My...
The closest bat! Less than 2 feet...
During that time, we really enjoyed looking at the bats surrounding the cave...luckily I still remember the time, it was almost dark! So we quickly walked through the cave and back to the Jetty (Where the boatman was waiting), before all the bats wake up! What a Experience! I like it!
That's end our 1 hour Mangrove Tour at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island. You can contact Mr Halimi (boatman) 0175228325 for the Mangrove Tour. He was a nice guide! :)
Mr Halimi - our boatman for the Mangrove Tour.
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* My Trip to Langkawi Island on September 2010
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* Restoran Nasi Kandar Tomato at Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island
* The Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
* The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
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* Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island
Location map of the Million Years Bat Cave
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