Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Wonderland Seafood Store at Kuah Town, Langkawi Island

After we came back from the Mangrove Tour of Kilim Geoforest Park, and had a rest at the Hotel then we continue to food hunting for our dinner.
We decided to had it at Wonderland Seafood Store (N6 19.479 E99 50.633), Kuah Town of Langkawi Island. It's because the restaurant is having many good reviews from online.

The Wonderland Food Store is located along Persiaran Mutiara 2 which is a inner lane from the Jalan Padang Matsirat main road. It's also exactly opposite the Bella Vista Hotel across the stream. We missed it while we passed by because the food store was without a signage and the kitchen is facing the road, luckily we navigated back by the GPS device.

It was crowded when we stepped in. And really strange that the next seafood restaurant was Empty! So we quickly got our table and placed the order...

The order :-
1)  Baked fish
2)  Steam prawn with egg
3)  Mixed vegatables
4)  Omelette

The dishes served on our table were Super Fast! Impressed!

The Local Style Baked Fish

Steam Prawn with egg

Mixed vegetables

The Omelette

Overall the dishes served by the food store were Delicious! Especially the Baked Fish and the Steam Prawn. The sambal of the baked fish was different and tasty, the prawns were fresh! The vege and the omelette were average.
Most of the seafood restaurants in Langkawi don't serve Live Seafood, except a few at Pantai Cenang.

The Damage :  MYR43.00 for 2 adults and 1 child included a can of Tiger Beer. Wah! It was Very Reasonable!!

Rated : 4.5/5

We enjoyed the dinner very much! We will DEFINITELY Come back again!

Related post :
My Trip to Langkawi Island on September 2010
Grand Continental Hotel at Kuah, Langkawi Island
Underwater World of Langkawi Island
Sunset Of Cenang Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island
The Lighthouse Restaurant at Tengah Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island 
The Langkawi Cable Car at Langkawi Island.
The Famous Sky-Bridge of Mount Machinchang, Langkawi Island. 
Restoran Nasi Kandar Tomato at Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island
The Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Fish Farm at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Bat Cave at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island

Location map of Wonderland Seafood Store @ Kuah Town, Langkawi Island

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

The Bat Cave at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island

The Bat Cave (N6 24.112 E99 51.551) is located about 420m away from the Kilim Jetty. The journey only take 5 minutes from the Jetty.

"The bat cave was existed about 440-480 million years ago, and it's lurks quietly in a mangrove swamp in a tributary of Kilim River. The chamber is in the form of a long tunnel. Clinging precariously on the ceiling of hundreds of bats, The stalactites and stalagmites within this cave are of the gigantic proportions. Stalactites on the eastern cave entrance are rather unique as they did not grow vertically downward. The growth of these oblique stalactites is believed to be associated with the deposition of travertine deposits by photosynthetic algae that required brighter sunlight to grow. There are ancient oyster shells attached on certain wall of the cave, a few meters above the sea level, indicating a higher ancient sea level 5000 years ago..."

The Jetty of the Bat Cave

Once we arrived at the jetty, we took the path on our left...which was able to walk though the ancient nature beauty of the forest.

The pathway the lead us to the forest

Along the way, I saw a beautiful RED Spider. Too bad the photo came out blur that I won't be able to show here. :(
There is a T-junction after 50 meters from the jetty, we gotta turn to the right to the Bat Cave. The surrounding fresh air really make us like this place very much!

I like the Green very much!

After another 30 meters, we reached the entrance of the Million Years Bat Cave.

The entrance of the Bat Cave.

I like to see the stone formation along the cave...below was one of nice stone I saw...

It was Total dark in the Cave, our boatman loan us a Torch. My daughter hold my pans tightly!

The pathway in the cave.

We continue to search for the Bats but it was empty all the way...We started to felt some cold wind and creepy! Because we were the only group in the Cave! Oh! My goodness!!

But I insist to continue our walk, so we stepped into the heart of the cave where you can't see any sunlight at all! Then suddenly, my wife said : "LOOK!" Her torch shoot on the wall on top of us and we saw hundreds and hundreds of bats hanging! WOW!

The Bat Cave of Kilim River

And my wife ask me to turn around, that were many behind me! Oh! My...

The closest bat! Less than 2 feet...

During that time, we really enjoyed looking at the bats surrounding the cave...luckily I still remember the time, it was almost dark! So we quickly walked through the cave and back to the Jetty (Where the boatman was waiting), before all the bats wake up! What a Experience! I like it!

That's end our 1 hour Mangrove Tour at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island. You can contact Mr Halimi (boatman) 0175228325 for the Mangrove Tour. He was a nice guide! :)

Mr Halimi - our boatman for the Mangrove Tour.

Related post :
My Trip to Langkawi Island on September 2010
Grand Continental Hotel at Kuah, Langkawi Island
Underwater World of Langkawi Island
Sunset Of Cenang Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island
The Lighthouse Restaurant at Tengah Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island 
The Langkawi Cable Car at Langkawi Island.
The Famous Sky-Bridge of Mount Machinchang, Langkawi Island. 
Restoran Nasi Kandar Tomato at Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island
The Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Fish Farm at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
Wonderland Seafood Store at Kuah Town, Langkawi Island
Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island 

Location map of the Million Years Bat Cave

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

The Fish Farm at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island

The Fish Farm (N6 24.945 E99 51.821) is located at the same area of The Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant along the Kilim River of Langkawi Island. This activity was part of the Mangrove Tour.

The Fish Farm

The farm was not huge but it was enough for us to see all the big fishes around...
The young boy who speak fluent English had became our tour guide and started to showed us around the farm.
At first, he showed us the 'Shooting Fish' which was really interesting!

The Shooting Fish

There were many big fishes in the farm! Like this one below...

Then the boy brought us to the Stingray area, and all the rays seems like waiting at the site!

The big Black Ray!

Then the boy started to feed them with pieces of fish...

The black rays were Really Hungry!! :)

The rays overturned 

The boy continued to feed the hungry rays, and he overturn the body and showed us where is the mouth located...my daughter was excited watching the rays! :)
Then we moved to the Horse Shoe Crab...this was the first time I saw the horse shoe swim...that was new to me! Haha!

The boy explain about the Horse Shoe Crab

This was the way the horse shoe swim...

"There are many foreigners settle down here in Langkawi, some of them started the restaurant business or others and own a unique floating house at the Kilim River area..." said the Boatman. Below floating house is owned by a couple of Japanese.

Nice Floating House owned by Japanese couple.

It took about 30 minutes for us to tour around the fish farm, and we continue our journey to the Millions years Bat Cave! The cave is located nearby the Kilim Jetty....

We passed by the Kilim Jetty again...

Related post :
My Trip to Langkawi Island on September 2010
Grand Continental Hotel at Kuah, Langkawi Island
Underwater World of Langkawi Island
Sunset Of Cenang Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island
The Lighthouse Restaurant at Tengah Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island 
The Langkawi Cable Car at Langkawi Island.
The Famous Sky-Bridge of Mount Machinchang, Langkawi Island. 
Restoran Nasi Kandar Tomato at Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island
The Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Bat Cave at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
Wonderland Seafood Store at Kuah Town, Langkawi Island
Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island 

The Location Map of the Fish Farm at Kilim River

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island

The Eagles Feeding area (N6 25.061 E99 52.345) is about 3.2km away from the Kilim River Jetty. The boatman was started to put some chicken intestine, meat and skins to the river from the back of the boat. I was thinking can the hungry eagles see this??

Chicken skins and others...

Well, I was wrong! 'The Eagles can be able to focus object from 2-3km away!' The boatman explained, Impressed!
During that time, all the wild eagles were waiting surround us...

There were not few of them, but almost 50-60 eagles...and it was getting more and more!!
Once the boatman finish putting the chicken skins, he turned the boat and let us see the spot just in front of us. We were definitely Surprised! There were many eagles circles on top of us and flew down to the surface One-By-One to hunt for their foods!
WOW! That scene was really amazed us!

The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island

The Eagles were TOO fast and I'm TOO slow! I admit I cannot capture A nice photos of them! The photos above are a few from my 220 shots of the eagles...
We really enjoy the session and it was A First Experience in our life! It was Awesome!

When everyone were concentrated on the water surface, I suddenly look up the sky and I was Shock! The sky was Full of Eagles circling and waiting for their turns....
(Again, I apologies I can't snap A good photos of them...)

The Eagles on top of us!

This was the First time we were SO close to the eagles! It was about less than 10 meters! During the session, my wife and my daughter was stretching their eyes and enjoy the moment quietly, you can hear the water sound where the eagle's claws touching the water! But I had to view that moment from my lens...:(
The boatman told us that these were the smaller eagle available in Langkawi Island, it's named - Brahminy Kite.

After about 30 minutes watching the eagles, the boatman brought us to one of the spot nearby...then pointing Very far in the jungle and said : "Look, that is the White Bellied Sea Eagle!" This bird is 2 times Bigger than the Brahminy Kite!

White Bellied Sea Eagle at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island

We loved this Tour VERY MUCH!
Beside the Fabulous Scenery of Kilim Geoforest Park, we still be able to experience the Eagles Surrounding us. Great!
This was the my main purpose to visit Langkawi Island. :)

I advise to take the Mangrove Tour if you are first time visiting the Geopark, you won't regret it!

The Brahminy Kite Eagle

Related post :
My Trip to Langkawi Island on September 2010
Grand Continental Hotel at Kuah, Langkawi Island
Underwater World of Langkawi Island
Sunset Of Cenang Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island
The Lighthouse Restaurant at Tengah Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island 
The Langkawi Cable Car at Langkawi Island.
The Famous Sky-Bridge of Mount Machinchang, Langkawi Island. 
Restoran Nasi Kandar Tomato at Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island
The Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Fish Farm at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Bat Cave at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island  
Wonderland Seafood Store at Kuah Town, Langkawi Island 
Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island 

Location map of the Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

The Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island

The Kilim Karst Geoforest Park is located at the East of Langkawi Island. The Mangrove Boat Tour can be access through the Kilim Jetty (N6 24.306 E99 51.505).

The Kilim Gepforest Park of Langkawi Island

"The Kilim Karst Geoforest Park in the eastern part of the main Langkawi Island features magnificently formed landscape of nearly vertical to subrounded limestone hills with pinnacles of various shapes and sizes, can be viewed on limestone Setul Formation.
The northeast region of Langkawi, encompassing the three river basins of Kilim, Air Hangat and Kisap and the neighbouring islands of Langgun and Tanjung Dendang are spectacular in its beauty with the geological and landscape resources, the seas, the mudflats, beaches, the wetland mangrove and the unique fauna and flora that have long coexisted in these ecosystems..." Source from Kilim Karst Geoforest Park.

We arrived at the Jetty around 4.30pm. It was the best timing to visit the area, because there will not have many tourists that time and our boat won't attack by those busy waves from other boats (advise from friend). We took the One 1 hour Mangrove Tour package which was included the Eagle feeding, Bat Cave and Fish Farm, cost MYR200.00 per trip.
(You can choose the Tour package from 1 hour to 4 hours)

One of the boat approaching the Jetty

It was simple and easy, once we bought our tickets and the boatman was ready at the Jetty. Life jackets will be provided to all passengers.

Once the boat speed up and away from the Jetty, the Breathtaking scenery was painted in front of us!! Oh! It was Beautiful!
The photos around the Kilim Geoforest Park...

The Limestone Hill

The well protected Mangrove area

The Mangrove and the Limestone Setul Formation

Series of the Limestone Hill...

I had feeling that I was at Guilin of China! Haha!

Beside the Limestone, the Mangrove forest was no the other side on the river...It was Green! I like it very much!

The Mangrove Trees

Seems like the mangrove trees are different from the mangrove at Pulau Kukup, Johor.

During the boat tour, we passed by the Fish Farm area. All this floating farms were powered by TNB! Not generators. Surprised!

And we noticed there were many yachts parking at the river, it's because of the low parking fees...

One of the exit to the open sea, can you see the Langgun Island at the background?

We were Really enjoy the scenery and the flesh air over here! Wow! How nice if we can station the boat at the river more than an hour? :)

Fisherman on the way back home...

I will blog about the Eagle Feeding, Fish Farm and Bat Cave in my next post...you can check out the activities location from the pictures below which I captured from Google Earth.

Activities area at the Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island

Related post :
My Trip to Langkawi Island on September 2010
Grand Continental Hotel at Kuah, Langkawi Island
Underwater World of Langkawi Island
Sunset Of Cenang Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island
The Lighthouse Restaurant at Tengah Beach (Pantai), Langkawi Island 
The Langkawi Cable Car at Langkawi Island.
The Famous Sky-Bridge of Mount Machinchang, Langkawi Island. 
Restoran Nasi Kandar Tomato at Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island
The Eagles Feeding at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Fish Farm at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island
The Bat Cave at Kilim Geoforest Park of Langkawi Island 
Wonderland Seafood Store at Kuah Town, Langkawi Island
Hole In The Wall Floating Restaurant at Kilim Geoforest Park, Langkawi Island 

Location map for the Kilim River Jetty, Langkawi Island.