Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Naughty Nuri's Warong at Ubud, Bali

The Naughty Nuri's Warong (S8.49243 E115.25328) is located along the Jalan Raya Saggingan of Ubud town, Bali. This is the restaurant I missed on my Bali's Trip 2010, so by hook or by crook I definitely want to visit it in this 2011 trip! Just because of their Famous BBQ Spare Ribs!

We decided to have our early lunch on our forth day of Bali's trip. Once we checked out from Sri Bungalows Ubud...we moving towards the restaurant immeditely!

Naughty Nuri's Warong at Ubud

Too early for lunch (about 11.30am) when we were there and not crowded at all! Thanks for the suggestion from Mr Agung! According to him, the restaurant will be very crowded during dinner session, that was the reason we avoided.

Let me show you the small and cozy restaurant...

The front row of tables...

The interior design of the Naughty Nuri's Warong

The story of Naughty Brian and Nuri...

Nice, Green deco at the washroom

The area is not spacious as other restaurant, but it was comfort enough. And I like the decoration!
While waiting for our 'BBQ Spare Ribs', we did ordered the local fried rice and another dish which I forgot the name...it was served with beef, cheese and torttilla bread...

The local Balinese Fried Rice

The dish which I forgot the name...it served with beef and cheese...

And the tortilla bread served together with the dish above...

Our 'BBQ Spare Ribs' in making...

The staff preparing the 'Spare Ribs'

And the 'Ribs' served on table...

The Spare Ribs of Naughty Nuri's Warong, Bali

All the foods were Delicious! The simple Fried Rice was cooked just nice with the local taste, we ordered double! The beef was tender and goes well with the cheese, Yummy! And the 'BBQ Spare Ribs' were tender and well marinated with the sauce, Superbly Delicious!!

Apologies from me because I only remember the price of the BBQ Spare Ribs which was IDR80,000.00 (about MYR28.00/USD8.80) for one plate, I forgot the others...but the price was reasonable!

This is the Marvellous BBQ Spare Ribs available at Ubud, Bali, and also the Best I ever have! I will Definitely try it as long as I visit Ubud again!

*  The taste might not suitable for everyone, different people different taste.

Naughty Nuri’s Warung
Jl. Raya Sanggingan
Ubud, Bali
Phone: (361)977547
8am-10pm daily

Related post :-
My Bali trip on June 2011
My Bali trip on June 2010

Location Map of Naughty Nuri's Warong at Ubud, Bali.

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Barong and Keris Cultural Dance at Ubud, Bali

The next session after the Holy Water Purifying, we continued our Culture Dance Show at Ubud - The Barong and Keris Dance (S8.51051 E115.26473). The performing area is located not too far away from the restaurant (Bebek Bengil) we going to have our dinner...

The ticket for the show is IDR 80,000 that will be about MYR28.00/USD8.80 per person.

We were there about 15 miutes earlier and we were fortunate enough to had our seats at the first row.

Group of men came out from the gate before the show start, and ther were the peoples who play the musical instruments.

Once the music started, the show began...

The local music with their instruments

The 'Barong' came out from the gate, well...it was expected.


Some photos of the 'Barong'.


There was a story within the show, but too bad I wasn't understand it...and I can't even search it on the net...

According to Wiki, 'The Barong is often portrayed with two monkeys'. Maybe the monkey below was one of them...

The monkey and the Barong...

Then...group of women with the local culture dance...

Even I don't understand about the story behind, but we enjoyed the show very much! Especially their costumes...
Let me share some photos of the Cultural Dance below...

And the photos is the 'Keris Dance' of the Cultural Show...

The show was ended after about an hour, we enjoyed it very much! And all of us also carving for food after the show...haha!

The show was worth watching and it's one of the main attraction of Bali.

Related post :-
My Bali trip on June 2011
My Bali trip on June 2010

The Location map of the Barong and Keris Cultural Dance at Ubud, Bali

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Pura Tirta Empul (The Temple of Holy Water) at Tampaksiring, Bali

The Pura Tirta Empul (S8.41586 E115.31516) at Tampaksiring is situated about 18KM from the BAS Coffee Farm. It was our next destination after the Luwak Coffee session. The place was calm and peaceful during our visit, and not crowded at all...

The Legend of the Temple :-
"The sacred spring was created by the god Indra. His forces had been poisoned by Mayadanawa, so he pierced the earth to create a fountain of immortality to revive them.

An inscription dates the founding of a temple at the site to 926 AD. Ever since - for more than a thousand years - the Balinese have come to bathe in the sacred waters for healing and spiritual merit." Source from here.

There are many statues around the garden and temple area from the entrance.

Different statues at Pura Tirta Empul.

Beside the statues, there are also many signages...and we have to read carefully and follow the procedures...

Caution : You are entering the Holy Temple, please do not littering...

One of the entrance to the temple.

The signage above is located before the Purifying pool...in Indonesian Language.

The Purifiying pool of Pura Tirta Empul, Bali

It is the rectangular pool carved of stone. The water in the pool was Crystal clear! Where we can easily see the rocks at the bottom of the pool...

Crystal clear water in the pool

Just for that clean and crystal clear water, we (me, my friend & his elder son) decided to do the purifying like others...:) So we asked Mr Agus to help us on the ceremony and tell us the procedures...

All of us must wear with the 'Sarong' from the temple before get into the pool. There are many lockers around the area for you to keep your valueble items...each locker cost IDR 3,000.00 (about MYR1 / USD 0.33).

Once everything ready, we slowly soaked into the first pool (There are 2 pools at the temple). BEWARE! It was slippery! I slipped from the step and falled directly into the Ice Cold pool! Haha! We had to finished from the first fountain until the last fountain in the purifying pool, total of 22 fountains (if I'm not mistaken). I was shivering after the fifth fountains...it was extremely cold! WOW!
It tooks about 30 minutes to finished the purifying and we quickly changed and warm up our body! Yes, too cold for me! :)

Then we started our tour at the other side of the temple...

Beautiful stone sculptures from the temple

There were some Balinese Hinduism praying ceremony during our visit...

The ceremony in the temple...

We passed through the pool of the sacred spring water, the spring water is continue from the pool non-stop more than thousand years ago...

The pool where the sacred water came from...

Peaceful while walking in the temple...
Before we reach the exit of the temple, we came to another pool which full of koi...and there were some souvenirs shops beside the pool...

It was a life experience for us in the purifying process of the temple, the skin was smooth and clean after bathing from the spring water! I will do it again if I re-visit the temple.

If you don't mind, you might want to try the purifying in the Ice Cold spring water pool! :)

Close up of the fountain

Related post :-
My Bali trip on June 2011
My Bali trip on June 2010

Location map of Pura Tirta Empul at Tampaksiring, Bali

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

The Process of Luwak Coffee at BAS Coffee Farm, Bali

The BAS Coffee Farm is the place I will Not miss every time I visit Bali! It's just because fo the Luwak Coffee. You can read my previous visit here : BAS Bali Coffee Farm.

The deco of the floor tiles at BAS Coffee Farm

We were lucky this time, because we can see some activities at the area where they process the Luwak Coffee. (The area was empty during our last visit)

He was seperating the 'male' and 'female' coffee beans...

According to the local, the 'male' coffee beans is taste much more stronger caffeine than the 'female' coffee beans...

The 'Male' and the 'Female' coffee beans

For me...I could not differentiate the male and the female at all! Haha! Will you?

The process to dry the beans...

All the beans will sent to another area for final process after this...

After visited the process area, we were proceed to the 'nice' coffee area for our Luwak (Civet) Coffee. It's one of Favorite Coffee drinking area. They served the same package where the Luwak Coffee together with small five cups of other taste of coffee...

Very relaxing cafe area...

The coffee served on table less than 10 minutes, and I enjoyed it very much especially the Luwak Coffee.

The Luwak Coffee (IDR50,000 which about MYR18.00)

The other taste of Coffee which included in the package...

Enjoying the coffee in this cooling coffee farm is a Total Different Experience compare with Starbucks and Coffee Bean outlet in our country, it's surrounded with Green and especially located on the hill which I like the most!
We took almost an hour just to taste the coffee slowly and I did purchased a few packs of Luwak Coffee before we leave. :)

Then we continue our journey...

Related post :-
My Bali trip on June 2011
My Bali trip on June 2010

The Location map of BAS Coffee Farm at Bali Island